Your trusted source for repiping solutions
We're skilled repipe professionals dedicated to providing top-notch, cost-efficient, repiping solutions.
Replace Polybutylene
Once widely used in residential plumbing systems, Polybutylene has since been deemed unreliable due to its propensity for leaking and bursting, poor flow rate, and susceptibility to corrosion. Insurance companies may even deny coverage to homes with polybutylene. Thankfully, Repipe Experts can replace your polybutylene with a PEX repipe.
Home Insurance
Insurance companies may deny coverage for polybutylene, making a repipe necessary.
Polybutylene has a high failure rate and if not replaced, can lead to costly damages.
Mobile Home Repipe
Many mobile homes have aging polybutylene pipes and unreliable plastic shut-off valves, leading to frequent issues. These outdated systems are a major risk for leaks and failures. Stay ahead of problems and safeguard your home by calling Repipe Experts today.
Insurance Requirement
Insurance may not cover homes with polybutylene, making repiping a crucial step.
Old Pipes
Polybutylene and other old pipes have a high failure rate and, if not replaced, can cause expensive damage.
Slab Leak Repair
Slab leaks can cause damage to your home's foundation, leading to cracks and settling. They can also lead to increased water bills, mold growth, and even termite infestations. Don’t let slab leaks bring you down. Contact Repipe Experts today and let us help you keep your home safe and sound.
Damage to Your Home
Slab leaks can cause significant damage to a home and its foundation.
Costly Repairs
If left untreated, slab leaks can lead to severe structural damage to a home's foundation and require costly repairs.
Replace Galvanized Pipe
Made from steel and coated with zinc, galvanized pipe was commonly used in homes built before the 1960s. While they might seem sturdy, these old pipes get rust buildup and corrosion and can be health hazards and need to be replaced.
Repipe Experts can quickly and efficiently replace your old galvanized pipe with PEX that doesn't rust and is resistant to corrosion.
Corrosion and Rust
Corrosion buildup leads to leaks, rust colored water, and low water pressure.
Health Risks
Harmful contaminants such as lead or other heavy metals may leach into the water supply.
Cost to Repipe
Many homeowners dread repiping their homes because they fear the cost will be too high. The good news is that repiping your home doesn’t have to break the bank, and with the help of Repipe Experts, it can even be a stress-free and cost-effective process.
Repipe Financing
We offer financing solutions to make your repipe affordable.
Long-term savings
An updated plumbing system will have less leaks and require less repairs.
Schedule your FREE In-Home Consultation.
Repipe Experts can help assess what needs replacing, provide quality materials, and complete your project in a timely manner with minimal disruption.