Polybutylene Replacement Seminole County - Avoid Costly Repairs Now

5 min read

If you're a homeowner in Seminole County, you might be sitting on a ticking time bomb. And no, we are not talking about that questionable leftovers in your fridge. We're talking about polybutylene pipes. These pipes were the go-to choice for plumbing in the 80s and 90s, but now they're causing major headaches for homeowners. Leaks, water damage, and even complete pipe failure - it's not a pretty picture. But don't worry, there's hope. Repipe Experts is here to save the day.We know what you're thinking, "Great, another home repair to add to the list." But trust us, this one's important. Ignoring polybutylene piping is like playing Russian roulette with your home. It's not a matter of if they'll fail, but when. And when they do, you could be looking at thousands of dollars in damage from plumbing issues. So, let's talk about how you can protect your home and your wallet with polybutylene replacement Seminole County.

Why Replacing Polybutylene Pipes Is Time Sensitive in Seminole County

If you're a homeowner in Seminole County with polybutylene pipes, it's crucial to replace them as soon as possible. Why the urgency?

Insurance Companies Canceling Policies Due to Polybutylene Pipes

If your home in Seminole County has polybutylene piping, you might find it hard to get a renewed or new homeowners insurance policy. Insurers recognize the dangers associated with these piping system.

Polybutylene pipes often leak and cause water damage, leading to expensive claims. Insurers aren't keen on taking that risk.

If you have polybutylene pipes, you could find yourself without coverage if you don't replace them promptly. Don't risk being uninsured.

Benefits of Replacing Polybutylene with PEX

We often get frequently asked questions like, "What is the solution for this? Why choose PEX over another kind of water piping?" When you replace polybutylene pipes with modern PEX piping, you're making a smart investment in your Seminole County home.

PEX is more durable and flexible than polybutylene. It resists leaks and corrosion better too.

Switching to PEX can really boost your home's water pressure and flow. Imagine saying goodbye to those feeble showers and enjoying a steady, reliable water supply throughout your house.

Switching out polybutylene for PEX has really brought homeowners peace of mind. Trust me, it's a choice you won't regret.

What Are Polybutylene Pipes and Why Were They Used?

Polybutylene pipes were the go-to choice for many homes built in Seminole County from the 1970s to the mid-1990s. But what exactly are they?

Characteristics of Polybutylene Pipes

You can spot polybutylene pipes by their distinct gray or white color. They have a plastic feel and are marked with "PB" to indicate the material.

These pipes became a hit because they were affordable and easy to put in. Builders and plumbers appreciated how light and bendable they were compared to traditional copper piping.

The major issue with polybutylene pipes is that they deteriorate over time. When exposed to chemicals such as chlorine found in our water supply, these pipes become prone to leaking and causing significant water damage.

Reasons for Widespread Use in Residential Plumbing

During the construction boom of the '70s and '80s, polybutylene was the pipe of choice for many homes in Seminole County and across the U.S.

Polybutylene became a favorite among builders for its low price and quick installation process. It enabled them to manage budgets better while ensuring timely project completion.

They had no idea what the future held when they installed these pipes. Now, many homeowners are scrambling to replace their polybutylene plumbing to prevent common issues like leaks and water damage.

Servicing Seminole County, we've seen firsthand how polybutylene pipes can mess up homes. It's a problem that many of us have to deal with regularly.

Signs That Your Seminole County Home Has Polybutylene Pipes

Do you suspect your Seminole County home might have polybutylene pipes? Here's how to tell.

Identifying Polybutylene Pipes by Color and Markings

Polybutylene pipes are usually gray or white in color. Look for the letters "PB" printed on the pipes, along with the manufacturer's name like "Shell," "Qest," or "Vanguard."

If your home was built between the late 1970s and mid-1990s, there's a good chance it has polybutylene plumbing. But the only way to know for sure is to inspect the pipes.

Common Locations for Polybutylene Piping

In Seminole County homes, polybutylene pipes are often found in the main water supply line and the piping running through walls, attics, and crawl spaces.

Polybutylene might be hiding in the pipes connected to your sinks, toilets, and appliances. Take a close look at your entire plumbing system to make sure everything's up to snuff.

We've helped many homeowners identify polybutylene pipes in their homes. It's the first step in addressing this common issue and protecting your property from water damage.

The Risks and Consequences of Not Replacing Polybutylene Pipes

If you have polybutylene pipes in your Seminole County home, ignoring the problem can lead to serious consequences.

Potential for Catastrophic Leaks and Flooding

As these old polybutylene pipes wear out, they're more likely to burst unexpectedly. This kind of leak can quickly drench your house and cause major problems with water damage.

Repair and restoration costs can be overwhelming. Plus, there's the danger of mold growing, which brings its own set of health risks.

I've seen what polybutylene leaks can do, and it's a mess you don't want to deal with. It's just not worth the risk.

Decreased Home Value and Resale Challenges

Having polybutylene pipes can lower your home's value and make selling it a challenge. Smart buyers often avoid homes with this kind of plumbing.

They know the risks and the likely need for pipe replacement. This can lead to lower offers or demands for plumbing repair before closing.

Swapping out your polybutylene pipes for high quality PEX can really increase your home's value. When you're ready to sell, this upgrade will catch the eye of potential buyers and make them more likely to put in an offer.

How do you know if it's time for a polybutylene piping replacement in Seminole County? Here are some telltale signs you may have a plumbing problem.

Reduced Water Pressure

A significant drop in water pressure can be one of the earliest signs that your polybutylene pipes are deteriorating. As these pipes break down, they can obstruct water flow, resulting in an annoying trickle rather than a robust stream.

Discolored Water

Turning on the tap and seeing water with a slight blue, gray, or yellow tint can indicate that your polybutylene pipes are degrading and leaching chemicals into your water supply. Don’t overlook discolored water – it may contain harmful contaminants.

Frequent Leaks

Aging polybutylene pipes become brittle, leading to pinhole leaks and cracks. If you frequently need to call a plumbing service for repairs, it might be time to replace your pipes entirely.

Pipe Age

Even if you haven't experienced significant problems yet, if your home in Seminole County was built between 1978 and 1995 and still has its original plumbing, it's likely polybutylene. With an average lifespan of 25-30 years, these pipes should be replaced proactively if they are approaching or exceeding this age to prevent catastrophic failures.

Cost of Replacing Polybutylene Pipes in Seminole County

Now, we know what you're thinking, "This all sounds great, but how much is it going to cost me to replace my polybutylene pipes?"

We get this question frequently asked and we won't sugarcoat it - a whole-home polybutylene replacement in Brevard County is a significant investment. But trust us, it's far less expensive than dealing with the aftermath of a burst pipe and massive water damage.

Factors Affecting Cost

The total cost of your polybutylene pipe replacement will depend on a few key factors:

  • The size of your home
  • The number of bathrooms and fixtures
  • Accessibility of the pipes

A reputable repipe company, like Repipe Experts, will take all of these factors into account when providing you with an estimate.

Average Cost Range

On average, Brevard County homeowners can expect to pay between $4,995 and $15,000 for a complete polybutylene pipe replacement with high quality PEX. We know that's a wide range, but every home is unique.

It might seem like a lot of money upfront, but investing in protecting your home from leaks and water damage is definitely worth it. You'll save yourself from major headaches and expensive repairs down the line.

Financing Options

If you're concerned about affording a polybutylene replacement, ask us about affordable financing options. We work with third-party financing companies to make the process more manageable.

Think about looking into home improvement loans or see if you can include the costs in a refinance. Don't let expenses keep you from safeguarding your biggest investment - your home.

Why Choosing Repipe Experts for Your Polybutylene Replacement Is the Best Decision

If you need to replace polybutylene pipes in your Seminole County home, picking the right commercial plumbers is a big deal. Repipe Experts are definitely worth considering. We are Florida's only 5-star Google rated repiping company.

Experience and Expertise in Polybutylene Replacement

Repipe Experts know a thing or two when it comes to replacing polybutylene pipes. We bring the right knowledge, skills, and tools to make sure everything is done correctly.

Our , skilled expert plumbers are pros at swapping out old polybutylene for sturdy high quality USA made PEX piping. With our help, your home’s water piping will be reliable and leak-free.

Don't trust just any plumber with this important task. Go with the pros who have a proven track record of success.

Satisfaction Guarantee

Choosing Repipe Experts for your polybutylene replacement means you're getting top-notch customer service and peace of mind. Our professional licensed experts offer free estimates and most piping systems are replaced in only 1 to 2 days.

We back up their work and materials with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

If you're not pleased with the outcome, we will go above and beyond to make things right.

At Repipe Experts, we genuinely care about their customers and go the extra mile to make sure everything is done right.


Polybutylene replacement Seminole County is no joke. These pipes are a disaster waiting to happen, and ignoring them could cost you big time. But the good news is, you don't have to face this problem alone. With the right team on your side, you can say goodbye to those ticking time bomb pipes and hello to peace of mind.

Don't wait until it's too late. Take action now and invest in polybutylene replacement Seminole County. Your home (and your wallet) will thank you. And who knows, maybe you can finally tackle that questionable leftovers situation too. Don't Delay Repipe Today.

Schedule your FREE Consultation

Repipe Experts can help assess what needs replacing, provide quality materials, and complete your project in a timely manner with minimal disruption.

White Repipe Experts truck parked in front of a house for a whole house repipe with PEX

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Does Repipe Experts Service Seminole County?

We serve ALL of Seminole County! Here are some of the most popular cities in Brevard that we serve:

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How big are the holes made during the repipe?

Typically there are 12 inch by 12 inch holes made in drywall surfaces to gain access. Typically one hole per fixture. Many plumbing companies make excessive holes for their convenience and don’t do the wall repair. Repipe Experts will replace the drywall and texture to make it paint ready for you.

Why was Poly B Piping outlawed?

Polybutylene pipe wasn't technically outlawed, but manufacturers stopped producing it after numerous lawsuits related to pipe failures and subsequent property damages.

Why should I work with Repipe Experts?

Working with the professionals at Repipe Experts, they offer several advantages over DIY solutions or hiring unlicensed contractors. Guaranteed workmanship and quality results are among the most important benefits of working with Repipe Experts. Our professional technicians have the experience and expertise to ensure that all projects are completed correctly, safely, and in accordance with industry standards. Additionally, we use only high-quality PEX materials and equipment to guarantee superior results that will last for years to come.

When was Poly B Piping discontinued?

Polybutylene plumbing was widely used from the 1970s until the mid-1990s when it fell out of favor due to concerns about its durability and reliability and was ultimately banned in 1995.

What is PEX?

Homeowners seeking to replace their plumbing system should look no further than PEX piping. This resilient material is crafted from cross-linked polyethylene and can withstand corrosion, rusting, freezing temperatures – all of which make it a more reliable choice for repiping compared to copper, galvanized pipes, CPVC and Polybutylene. With its long lifespan and unrivaled durability, homeowners will rest easy knowing that PEX has them covered!

Learn more: PEX and PEX Repipe

What Does It Mean If My Water Tastes Metallic?

If your tap water has a metallic taste, it usually indicates the presence of metals such as iron, copper, or zinc in your plumbing system. This can be caused by corroded pipes releasing metal particles into the water supply or mineral buildup affecting the taste. It is essential to identify and address these issues to ensure safe drinking water.

Learn more: Solving Metallic Tasting Drinking Water

What is the average price to Repipe a home?

The average cost of repiping a house can vary greatly depending on the size and layout of the home, as well as the type of piping used. Generally speaking, it can range anywhere from $4,995 to $15,000 or more. The most common materials used for repiping are copper and PEX tubing. Copper is typically more expensive than PEX tubing and can take longer to install and is also much more intrusive. Other factors that may affect the cost include increasing labor costs and any additional plumbing fixtures that need to be replaced or installed during the process.

What is the best replacement for polybutylene pipes?

The best replacement for polybutylene pipes is PEX piping. PEX has been used as a reliable plumbing material and its durability, flexibility, and resistance to corrosion make it an ideal choice for repiping projects. It also withstands temperature fluctuations compared to other materials such as PVC so it's great for hot water lines. In conclusion, PEX’s lack of toxic substances renders it an ideal choice for use in drinking water systems with no fear of contamination from metal or other contaminants present in corroded piping.

Learn more about polybutylene: Polybutylene Replacement - The Homeowners Essential Guide

What is the life expectancy of polybutylene pipes?

The typical lifespan of polybutylene pipes is between 20-25 years, but this can be affected by environmental factors like high chlorine or other contaminants. Homeowners should inspect their plumbing regularly to identify any potential signs of corrosion or deterioration caused by harsh water conditions, such as high chlorine levels or other contaminants. If these problems occur, then it may be time to consider repiping with a different material.

Learn more about polybutylene: Polybutylene Replacement - The Homeowners Essential Guide

What kind of PEX Pipe does Repipe Experts use?

With Repipe Experts, you can rest assured that your whole house repipe will be done using high quality PEX pipe that is Made in the USA. PEX-A is secured by cold expansion before connection. In comparison, PEX B requires compression fittings. Both options are backed by a solid warranty!

What are the issues with Poly B Piping?

Polybutylene, otherwise known as Poly B, can deteriorate over time due to exposure to chlorine in water, leading to leaks and potentially significant water damage.

Should polybutylene pipes be replaced?

Yes, polybutylene pipes should be replaced. Due to their age, polybutylene pipes can become prone to cracking and leaking, which can create expensive repairs or water damage in the home. Repipe Experts offer a reliable solution that is cost-effective and ensures long-term safety for homeowners. With their experience and expertise, they provide an efficient replacement process that eliminates any potential risks associated with old plumbing systems.

Learn more about polybutylene: Polybutylene Replacement - The Homeowners Essential Guide

What brand(s) of PEX Piping does Repipe Experts use?

Repipe Experts use PEX-A and PEX-B pipe manufactured in the USA. Our PEX pipe is manufactured using a quality management system which has been certified to the latest version of ISO 9001.

Why is PEX replacing my Polybutylene?

Research suggests that polybutylene pipes are too fragile to withstand common disinfectants found in the public water supply and will quickly become brittle and crack from the inside out. Over time, once enough mini fractures have formed in the pipe, it will wear out completely, rupture, causing a leak or flooding of a home. This is why no insurance carriers will no longer cover a home with Polybutylene piping. Homes can no longer be sold in many areas without removing the polybutylene and repiping the homes water supply making it a requirement to repipe a home.

Learn more: Replace Polybutylene with a PEX Repipe

Learn more: It's Time to Replace Your Polybutylene

My insurance gave me 30 days, can you install in that timeframe?

Yes! We can typically install in 1-2 weeks!

Is your company licensed?

Yes, in fact you can check the state DBPR website to ensure that your contractor is always licensed and insured.

Is there a cost for the repipe permit?

The cost of the permit and inspection is covered in the cost of your Repipe.

Is a Whole House Repipe worth it?

YES!, repiping a house is worth it. It can help improve the quality of your home’s plumbing system and increase its longevity. Repiping can also improve water pressure and flow issues, prevent leaks and flooding, and eliminate costly repairs in the future. Additionally, repiping may add value to your home if you are looking to sell or rent it out in the future. Overall, investing in repiping now will save you money and headaches down the road.

How long does the inspection take?

This is up to the local governing municipality and is not controlled by Repipe Experts. We are at the mercy of the county schedule.

How much does it cost to repipe with PEX?

The cost of repiping with PEX will depend on the size and complexity of the job. Generally, it can range from a per “drop” price or a lump sum. A “drop” is a hot or cold line that feeds a fixture such as a sink or toilet. However, additional costs may be incurred if there are any complications such as accessing difficult areas, wall patching or replacing existing plumbing fixtures. Additionally, labor costs should also be taken into consideration when calculating the total cost of a repipe project. All in all, it is best to consult a qualified and licensed professional who can provide an accurate estimate based on your specific needs and requirements.

How long will the repipe take?

The Repipe is typically 1-2 days. After the Repipe, the City Inspector is requested to inspect the work. After the inspector passes the work, we can patch the walls should you choose to have us complete the drywall.