Expert Polybutylene Replacement Lake County - Reliable Service

5 min read

If you're a homeowner in Lake County, chances are you've heard the term "polybutylene pipes" thrown around. And if you haven't, well, buckle up because it's about to become your new favorite topic of conversation. Polybutylene replacement in Lake County is no joke - these pipes are like ticking time bombs, just waiting to burst and flood your home with water (and not in a fun, slip-and-slide kind of way).

No worries! We've got your back with polybutylene replacement in Lake County. We'll explain what these troublesome pipes are all about, why they're such a headache, and most importantly, how to swap them out before disaster strikes. Grab something tasty and settle in while we walk you through it all.

What Are Polybutylene Pipes and Why Are They Bad?

If you're a homeowner in Lake County, you may have heard about the dangers of polybutylene pipes. But what exactly are they and why are they such a problem?

Polybutylene, often called PB, was a popular choice for plumbing in homes from 1978 to 1995. People loved it because it cost less than copper pipes and installing it was simpler. Plus, PB didn’t crack easily when temperatures dropped.

Over time, it became obvious that polybutylene pipes were a disaster waiting to happen. Homeowners soon realized they had major problems on their hands.

What Do Polybutylene Pipes Look Like? How To Identify Poly-B

So, how can you tell if your Lake County home has polybutylene pipes? The first step is to know what they look like.

Polybutylene pipes are typically gray in color, but they can also be white, silver, or black. They're usually stamped with the code "PB2110" which is a dead giveaway that you're dealing with poly-b.

Another way to identify them is by their flexibility. Polybutylene pipes are more pliable than other types of plastic plumbing like PVC. If you can easily bend the pipe, chances are it's polybutylene.

Clear Indicators of Polybutylene Pipe

In addition to the color and flexibility, there are a few other clear signs that you have polybutylene plumbing in your Lake County home:

  • Visible plastic pipes near the water heater, sinks, and toilets
  • Pipes stamped with "PB2110"
  • Metal rings or bands at the fittings

If you spot any of these indicators, it's time to call in a polybutylene replacement Lake County specialist to assess your plumbing system.

Other Signs To Watch Out For

You might not see polybutylene pipes right away, but other clues can signal issues with your plumbing system. Here are some common ones to look out for:

  • Frequent pinhole leaks or slab leaks
  • Water stains on walls or ceilings
  • A drop in water pressure
  • Discolored or smelly water coming from faucets

Notice anything unusual? It could be due to polybutylene pipes. Contact a professional plumber to have your pipes inspected, they'll inspect everything thoroughly and let you know if replacing your polybutylene pipes in Lake County is necessary.

Not All Plastic Pipes Are Polybutylene

Don't worry, not all plastic pipes are as troublesome as polybutylene. Other type offer safe and reliable options for your home's plumbing system.

If you're unsure what type of piping materials you have, it's always best to consult with a licensed plumber. They can properly identify the materials and advise you on any necessary repairs or replacements.

The Risks and Problems Associated With Polybutylene Plumbing

So, what makes polybutylene pipes such a headache? Let's break down some of the risks and issues that come with using this type of plumbing.

What Causes Polybutylene Pipes to Leak?

Polybutylene pipes often have a bad habit of leaking and breaking down too soon. But why do these leaks start in the first place?

Polybutylene pipes don't get along well with the chlorine and other chemicals in city water. This bad reaction makes the pipes flake, become brittle, and eventually develop pinhole leaks over time.

This deterioration process is accelerated by high water pressure and hot temperatures, which is why leaks often first appear near the hot water heater or in high-use areas like bathrooms and kitchens.

How long do Polybutylene pipes usually last? Poly-B Life Expectancy

On average, polybutylene plumbing systems begin to fail and cause leaks within 20-25 years of installation. However, some unlucky homeowners have experienced problems in as little as 5-8 years.

The life expectancy of poly-b pipes is significantly shorter than that of PEX plumbing, which can last 50+ years with proper care and maintenance. This is why many experts recommend proactive polybutylene pipe replacement in Lake County homes before leaks and water damage occur.

Do Polybutylene Pipes Always Fail?

While not every single polybutylene pipe is guaranteed to fail, the odds are not in your favor. The inherent material defects and chemical reactions make it more a question of "when" rather than "if" poly-b plumbing will spring a leak.

Some homeowners get lucky and their polybutylene plumbing lasts longer than expected. But for most, it's only a matter of time before the pipes fail and cause major property damage.

We often advise our Lake County clients to be proactive about replacing their polybutylene pipes before they run into trouble. Spending a bit now on new piping can save you from expensive fixes and headaches in the future.

Is Polybutylene Safe for Drinking Water?

While there are no official health warnings about drinking cold water from polybutylene pipes, there are some potential concerns to be aware of.

As pipes age and start to flake, tiny bits of polybutylene can chip off and contaminate your drinking water. This might cause an unpleasant taste, strange odors, or even discoloration.

Leaks in polybutylene plumbing can turn your home into a haven for bacteria and mold. Ignoring these leaks isn't just bad for your house; it can also put you and your family's health at risk.

For peace of mind, w, recommend having your water tested regularly and investing in a high-quality filtration system if you have polybutylene pipes. And of course, the best long-term solution is a complete polybutylene replacement in Lake County.

Polybutylene Pipe Replacement in Lake County: Why Choose Repipe Experts

If you've got polybutylene pipes in your Lake County home, you're probably wondering who to call for a repipe. The answer is simple: a licensed plumber with experience in whole home repipes with years of experience and a track record of success.

Repipe Experts has been helping Lake County homeowners replace their old polybutylene pipes. Our licensed and insured plumbing experts are committed to delivering the highest quality service possible.

Who Should You Call For Polybutylene Pipe Replacement?

Replacing polybutylene pipes isn't a job for just any plumber. You need someone with the right expertise to handle this challenging material properly.

Find a plumbing company that knows how to handle residential jobs and has replaced polybutylene pipes before. They should use top-notch materials like high quality PEX.

At Repipe Experts, we've tackled polybutylene plumbing thousands of homes. We have the know-how to get your repiping done right.

How Much Does It Cost To Replace Polybutylene Pipes?

The cost of polybutylene pipe replacement varies depending on the size of your home and the extent of the damage. On average, expect to pay between $4,995 and $10,000 for a whole-house repipe.

We know that sounds like a lot, but trust us - it's worth every penny. Polybutylene pipes are a ticking time bomb. The longer you wait to replace polybutylene, the higher the risk of catastrophic damage and a hefty cost for repairs.

Replacing polybutylene pipes doesn't have to break the bank. At Repipe Experts, our competitive prices and various financing plans are designed with affordability in mind. We'll find a budget-friendly solution just for you.

Polybutylene Pipe Vs Pex - How Do We Know PEX Will Last Longer Than Polybutylene Pipes?

If you're considering polybutylene replacement, you might be wondering what material to use instead. PEX is a popular choice, but how do we know it will last longer than polybutylene?

The secret is in the science. PEX, a type of cross-linked polyethylene, can handle high temperatures and pressures with ease. It's flexible enough to fit into tight spaces, tough enough to last for years, and doesn't rust or corrode.

Unlike polybutylene, PEX doesn't react with chlorine levels or other chemicals in the water supply. That means it won't degrade over time like polybutylene does.

Repipe Experts always opts for high-quality PEX tubing in our plumbing projects. We back up our work with a lifetime guarantee so that you never have to worry about your new pipes again.

Homeowners Insurance and Polybutylene Pipes: What You Need to Know

If you have polybutylene pipes, you might be wondering how it affects your homeowners insurance. The truth is, many insurance companies won't cover homes with polybutylene plumbing.

Polybutylene pipes are notorious for causing problems. They tend to leak and fail, which can lead to significant water damage in your home.

Are Polybutylene Pipes Still Used?

Polybutylene pipes were widely used in the 1970s and 1980s, but they're no longer installed in new homes. In fact, most building codes prohibit the use of polybutylene plumbing.

If your house was built before 1995, it might have polybutylene pipes. That's why you should get a professional to inspect those pipes.

Repipe Experts offers complimentary home consultations where we'll evaluate your plumbing system. If you’ve got polybutylene pipes, we’ll explain how to handle it.

Are Polybutylene Pipes Illegal?

Polybutylene pipes aren't outright illegal, but most building codes ban them. This is due to their high failure rate and the significant damage they can cause.

Back in the 1990s, manufacturers of polybutylene pipes faced a class action lawsuit. People claimed that these pipes were defective and leaked often.

As a result of the action lawsuit, many homeowners received settlements to help cover the cost of polybutylene replacement. However, the class action only covered a small percentage of affected homes.

If you have polybutylene pipes in your home, don't wait around for a class action settlement. Take steps now to safeguard both your property and loved ones.

At Repipe Experts, we understand the urgency of polybutylene replacement. That's why we offer fast, efficient service to get your home repiped as quickly as possible. Don't let polybutylene piping put your home at risk - call us today to schedule service for your free consultation.


Polybutylene replacement in Lake County is no small task, but it's a necessary one if you want to protect your home and avoid costly water damage. By identifying polybutylene pipes, understanding the risks they pose, and taking action to replace them with more reliable materials, you can rest easy knowing your plumbing is in good hands.

Don't let polybutylene pipes catch you off guard - take control of your home's plumbing and invest in polybutylene replacement in Lake County today. Your future self (and your wallet) will thank you.

Schedule your FREE Consultation

Repipe Experts can help assess what needs replacing, provide quality materials, and complete your project in a timely manner with minimal disruption.

White Repipe Experts truck parked in front of a house for a whole house repipe with PEX

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Do you fix slab leaks in Lake County?

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We serve ALL of Lake County! Here are some of the most popular cities in Brevard that we serve:




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Don't see your location in this list? No worries, we probably service it too. Give us a call at 1-888-973-7473 or go to our Contact Us page and submit a form.

Why was Poly B Piping outlawed?

Polybutylene pipe wasn't technically outlawed, but manufacturers stopped producing it after numerous lawsuits related to pipe failures and subsequent property damages.

When was Poly B Piping discontinued?

Polybutylene plumbing was widely used from the 1970s until the mid-1990s when it fell out of favor due to concerns about its durability and reliability and was ultimately banned in 1995.

Why is PEX replacing my Polybutylene?

Research suggests that polybutylene pipes are too fragile to withstand common disinfectants found in the public water supply and will quickly become brittle and crack from the inside out. Over time, once enough mini fractures have formed in the pipe, it will wear out completely, rupture, causing a leak or flooding of a home. This is why no insurance carriers will no longer cover a home with Polybutylene piping. Homes can no longer be sold in many areas without removing the polybutylene and repiping the homes water supply making it a requirement to repipe a home.

Learn more: Replace Polybutylene with a PEX Repipe

Learn more: It's Time to Replace Your Polybutylene

Should polybutylene pipes be replaced?

Yes, polybutylene pipes should be replaced. Due to their age, polybutylene pipes can become prone to cracking and leaking, which can create expensive repairs or water damage in the home. Repipe Experts offer a reliable solution that is cost-effective and ensures long-term safety for homeowners. With their experience and expertise, they provide an efficient replacement process that eliminates any potential risks associated with old plumbing systems.

Learn more about polybutylene: Polybutylene Replacement - The Homeowners Essential Guide

What are the issues with Poly B Piping?

Polybutylene, otherwise known as Poly B, can deteriorate over time due to exposure to chlorine in water, leading to leaks and potentially significant water damage.

What is the life expectancy of polybutylene pipes?

The typical lifespan of polybutylene pipes is between 20-25 years, but this can be affected by environmental factors like high chlorine or other contaminants. Homeowners should inspect their plumbing regularly to identify any potential signs of corrosion or deterioration caused by harsh water conditions, such as high chlorine levels or other contaminants. If these problems occur, then it may be time to consider repiping with a different material.

Learn more about polybutylene: Polybutylene Replacement - The Homeowners Essential Guide

What is the best replacement for polybutylene pipes?

The best replacement for polybutylene pipes is PEX piping. PEX has been used as a reliable plumbing material and its durability, flexibility, and resistance to corrosion make it an ideal choice for repiping projects. It also withstands temperature fluctuations compared to other materials such as PVC so it's great for hot water lines. In conclusion, PEX’s lack of toxic substances renders it an ideal choice for use in drinking water systems with no fear of contamination from metal or other contaminants present in corroded piping.

Learn more about polybutylene: Polybutylene Replacement - The Homeowners Essential Guide

Can you get a mortgage with Poly B Pipes in your home?

Mortgage lenders may require replacement of polybutylene pipes before approving a loan, as these types of pipes could lead to potential costly repairs in the future.

Why should I work with Repipe Experts?

Working with the professionals at Repipe Experts, they offer several advantages over DIY solutions or hiring unlicensed contractors. Guaranteed workmanship and quality results are among the most important benefits of working with Repipe Experts. Our professional technicians have the experience and expertise to ensure that all projects are completed correctly, safely, and in accordance with industry standards. Additionally, we use only high-quality PEX materials and equipment to guarantee superior results that will last for years to come.

What brand(s) of PEX Piping does Repipe Experts use?

Repipe Experts use PEX-A and PEX-B pipe manufactured in the USA. Our PEX pipe is manufactured using a quality management system which has been certified to the latest version of ISO 9001.

What kind of PEX Pipe does Repipe Experts use?

With Repipe Experts, you can rest assured that your whole house repipe will be done using high quality PEX pipe that is Made in the USA. PEX-A is secured by cold expansion before connection. In comparison, PEX B requires compression fittings. Both options are backed by a solid warranty!

How much does it cost to repipe with PEX?

The cost of repiping with PEX will depend on the size and complexity of the job. Generally, it can range from a per “drop” price or a lump sum. A “drop” is a hot or cold line that feeds a fixture such as a sink or toilet. However, additional costs may be incurred if there are any complications such as accessing difficult areas, wall patching or replacing existing plumbing fixtures. Additionally, labor costs should also be taken into consideration when calculating the total cost of a repipe project. All in all, it is best to consult a qualified and licensed professional who can provide an accurate estimate based on your specific needs and requirements.

Is PEX-A better than PEX-B?

PEX-A is connected using an expansion joint while PEX-B is connected using a crimp fitting.

Learn more: PEX and PEX Repiping

What is PEX?

Homeowners seeking to replace their plumbing system should look no further than PEX piping. This resilient material is crafted from cross-linked polyethylene and can withstand corrosion, rusting, freezing temperatures – all of which make it a more reliable choice for repiping compared to copper, galvanized pipes, CPVC and Polybutylene. With its long lifespan and unrivaled durability, homeowners will rest easy knowing that PEX has them covered!

Learn more: PEX and PEX Repipe

My insurance gave me 30 days, can you install in that timeframe?

Yes! We can typically install in 1-2 weeks!

Is your company licensed?

Yes, in fact you can check the state DBPR website to ensure that your contractor is always licensed and insured.

I have an active leak, can you install right away?

The city allows us to perform the Repipe to prevent any further damage as long as the permit application has been submitted. We will not be able to patch the walls however until the inspection is completed.

Is a Whole House Repipe worth it?

YES!, repiping a house is worth it. It can help improve the quality of your home’s plumbing system and increase its longevity. Repiping can also improve water pressure and flow issues, prevent leaks and flooding, and eliminate costly repairs in the future. Additionally, repiping may add value to your home if you are looking to sell or rent it out in the future. Overall, investing in repiping now will save you money and headaches down the road.

How long does the inspection take?

This is up to the local governing municipality and is not controlled by Repipe Experts. We are at the mercy of the county schedule.

How long will the repipe take?

The Repipe is typically 1-2 days. After the Repipe, the City Inspector is requested to inspect the work. After the inspector passes the work, we can patch the walls should you choose to have us complete the drywall.

How long is the warranty?

The manufacturer warranty is 25 years on the pipe and the fittings. The workmanship warranty is for as long as you own your home.

How big are the holes made during the repipe?

Typically there are 12 inch by 12 inch holes made in drywall surfaces to gain access. Typically one hole per fixture. Many plumbing companies make excessive holes for their convenience and don’t do the wall repair. Repipe Experts will replace the drywall and texture to make it paint ready for you.